20 Jan The guasha facial ritual is (finally) coming back to China
After many years of popularity in the western world, Chinese guasha therapy is regaining attention in its own country, adopted by the trendy, self-conscious and mindful Chinese young women.
For a long time, Chinese traditional therapy and spiritual healing used to be regarded as outdated and grandparents’ generation things. Now with the revival of traditional Chinese culture and the hype of “oil skincare”, the young generation has started to realized the importance of skin wellness and readopted the old ancient Chinese therapy and modernize it into their skincare routine.
Photo: from @Jurlique official Red account
On Red (Xiaohongshu), there are numerous facial guasha tutorials using Gusha plates made of jade or natural buffalo horn to give a facial massage. Accept from relaxation and spiritual healing, the main purpose of guasha for Chinese consumers is also for anti-age and skin circulation. They regard the ritual as a way of detoxication and face lifting.
“The benefit that facial guasha brings me is not only lifting, but more importantly to make my skin glow naturally and reduce the dullness of my skin”. – Red blogger @yoien
Photo: Blogger @yoien (17K followers) regularly shares her guasha video on Red by endorsing essence oil from different brands
How are C-beauty brands connecting to this new skincare ritual?
Well-being is one of the biggest issues in the post-Covid era. Local beauty brands are also responding quickly to this new beauty routine with various product offers and activations. They started to launch exclusive facial tools and skincare products to accompany the guasha ritual.
For example, Chinese skincare brand @LAN recently launched a collection of creative facial yoga plates themed “Skin Paradise”. Meanwhile, it also collaborated with China’s mobile fitness app @Keep to launch a series of face yoga sessions by inviting face yoga expert @im斯文姐 to design the session and use the guasha tool to share the tutorials on the app. The activation also involves a 21-day skincare challenge to encourage consumers to “daka” on the app to win special gifts. Thus, the brand successfully connected with the local wellness community by integrating attractive product offers.
Photo: @Lan official Red account
Cover photo: from C-beauty brand @LAN
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