Baixiju is the artistic and experimental label created by the Chinese brand Mukzin. To introduce its new collection, Baixiju developed an interactive concept that transported the audience into an imaginary journey. The concept, called the " The Dragon Station" was mixing Chinese heritage inspired by the Dragon...

In recent months, interest in traditional Chinese culture has surged among Chinese millennials. It’s a trend that has impacted their daily lifestyles, creative expression, and consumption behavior. With no memories of the anti-intellectual Cultural Revolution, Chinese Millennials have a voracious appetite for knowledge and discovery. And they are searching for more...

佛系 'fo xi' y “Buddha-like” recently became the new buzz word for the post-90s youngsters on Chinese social medias. This new trendy word express keeping a casual and calm mindset towards life and career. It first came out from an article published on WeChat on 11th December...